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D&D Miniatures Game Battle Rules

D&D Miniatures Game Battle Rules

This page contains rules and information for playing the current
edition of D&D Miniatures, released in March 2008 and
relaunched in March 2009. If you are looking for rules and information
for playing the original edition, look here.

Game Rules 27 pages | 12.57 MB PDF
This is the most current edition of the Battle Rules. Most players can
use these rules for casual and competitive play. (Last updated

Map Gazetteer 39 pages | 17.48 MB PDF
The Map Gazetteer precisely describes each map legal in the revised game,
including information on what kinds of terrain each square is considered.
(Last updated 11/19/2009)

Errata 7 pages | 92 KB PDF
Updated Errata for Guild-issued cards and Wizards-issued cards for which no
Guild cards have been issued. (Last updated 1/25/2010)

Downloadable Stat Cards

These are printable documents containing stat cards and the booster
inserts from each set released under the current edition rules.







Giants of Legend

Giants of Legend 



War Drums
War Drums 


Note: The errata update above is not incorporated into these stat
cards, so you will need both these cards and the Errata & FAQ listed
above for the most up-to-date information.

Harbinger through Desert of Desolation were originally
released under the prior edition of the rules. Official updated stat
cards for those sets have been updated for use in the current ruleset
and can be downloaded here.

Item Stat Cards

These are printable documents containing item stat cards released for
use with the Battle Rules (2009) edition.

  • Treasure Trove (Cards)

  • Treasure Trove 2: Drow's Fortune (Cards)

Все о миниатюрах - www.allminiatures.ru
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