This thread is for the best armies you've ever played. If you have several "best" armies, you can post them all
I guess I have to start the show. Here's the army I'm currently playing:
Catapult 'Cynosure' 215 = 245
+ BF-P-A028 Aggressive Stance (30)
Raven 'Spettro' 128 = 142
+ Mila Mazur 14
WH Kelswa Assault Tank 90
Merc Sniper 58
Merc Faction Pride 20
Merc Zahn Heavy Transport 30
'Rhodes Graces' Combat Technicians 15
I like even the sight of the army: both Cynosure and Spettro are red, as well as Kelswa, so I nicknamed it as "The Red Army"
The tactics is obvious: keep Kelswa within 6" from Catapult to get Aggressive Stance benefit, and keep them both behind the wall. Spettro should pick the juicy target and place Homing Beacon on it. Then destroy the target with your heavy-hitters. Artillery is used to force enemy to move (my army isn't very mobile, and it hates to lose cover), and sometimes Spettro + Sniper are enough to suppress enemy arty.