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> Первая официальная кампания под WHFRP 2ed
сообщение 2.3.2012, 15:27
Сообщение #1

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Группа: Авторы
Сообщений: 34
Регистрация: 1.2.2012
Пользователь №: 807
Game system:

На поверку оказалась переизданием классической кампании The Enemy Within. Тем не менее, она содержит обновленную статичтику, под вторую редакцию, и оформлена в новом стиле.

Официальное описание:
Who is the Black Cowl? And what ties has he forged between the merchants of Altdorf and cults dedicated to the Ruinous Powers? The Empire has many enemies, but perhaps the greatest of these is the enemy within…

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of The Enemy Within, a hallmark campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!

Ask any veteran players of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay about The Enemy Within, and you’re likely to learn that it stands as one of the classic adventures of earlier editions. Indeed, some rate it among the greatest roleplaying adventures of all time. Since its release in the late 1980s, its intrigues and villainy led players deep into its secretive plots and subsequent adventures. For decades, players around the world have struggled to rid the Empire of the rot that lies near its core.

Now, Fantasy Flight Games has worked with Graeme Davis (Shadows over Bögenhafen, The Edge of Night) and Dave Allen (The Gathering Storm, Journey to Black Fire Pass) to bring you a brand new story drawn from the themes and concepts of the original.

With enough material for more than thirty sessions, The Enemy Within engages players in a thrilling series of adventures that takes their characters from their humble beginnings to the later stages of their careers, where they must fulfill their destinies as fate’s champions. The Enemy Within can take player characters from their very first sessions through their third character ranks. The truly adventurous can extend the story into truly epic terrain with an optional epilogue and the rules from Hero’s Call.

Two years ago, the Elector of Averland, Marius Leitdorf, was slain in the Third Battle of Black Fire Pass. Although he died a hero, Leitdorf’s leadership was conflicted. He was renowned as much for his periods of melancholy, his mania, and his black rages as for his brilliance, wit, and skill with a sword. Furthermore, he left no clear heir, so his death introduces an uncertain time to Averland.

Meanwhile, a sinister figure stands poised to take advantage of this period of uncertainty. Conspiring with the enemies of the Empire, he intends to manipulate the succession for his own advantage.

Into the midst of this conspiracy steps a small group of heroes. Their adventures will take them far to the north and into the heart of the Empire. They will be both catspaw and foil. They will be embroiled in politics and war. And they alone will save the Empire from its greatest enemy… The Enemy Within.

Players and GMs looking forward to The Enemy Within will find a massive campaign with three complete adventures and an optional epilogue, easily spanning thirty or more gaming sessions. GMs, particularly, will find The Enemy Within loaded with all the resources they need to manage a series of adventures of this scope and scale. You’ll find cards sheets, maps, handouts and other materials to help GMs create a truly immersive experience for their players.

Additionally, you’ll find detailed backgrounds for each important NPC and optional starting backgrounds for player characters starting into the adventure from scratch.

Even with all these materials, we make certain GMs have tremendous flexibility to steer this campaign to best suit their play groups. The Enemy Within introduces a tremendous number of tools to place at the GM’s disposal, including new villains, NPCs, monsters, and encounters. GMs will find it easy to develop any content they need to include, and they’ll find ways to use character backgrounds to tie each character to the story and draw attention to important plot events as they occur.

Save the Empire

Immerse yourselves in conflicts and conspiracies that run deep toward the heart of the Empire when you confront The Enemy Within. Look for this epic new take on the classic series of adventures to release in the third quarter of 2012!
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